Monday, September 6, 2010

Boot camp! (My brothers style)

We were being silly in most of the pictures!! You see, my cousins came over for the day last Sunday, and we decided it would be fun to play boot camp, my 16 year old brother being the captain, and my cousin Christopher being the assistant captain. Us girls of course being soldiers....(Bad idea. Never and I mean NEVER give your brother this power.) We are on a dirt pile and behind this is another dirt pile that was made of mud. Dylan decided it would be cool to make it wet and have us army crawl over it.
Hiding in the trees! (I'm the one in the front of the tree)

I'm holding the camera, my sister Fallon's looking to the right and my cousin is looking away.

This was our first picture.(me in front,My cousin with the brown hair and my sister is behind her
(above is Dylan and yes that is army paint on his face) Yes Dylan,That day was fun going through murky water,sliding in the mud,running ALOT,screaming,"YES SIR" in your face! Good times!! So, yes, it was fun. Let's do it again some time. In Christ,Hope


Hannah Rose Beasley said...

Ha ha, that's great! (Looks like you all had fun, despite crawling through mud! =) )

Bleah Briann//Lovely said...

Haha... thats AWESOME!!! lol. :)

Have you gotten my letter yet?

Bleah Briann

Go Bold said...

sounds so fun!