About me!

Hi I'm Hope Marie I'm  a 15 year old girl who's silly and fun, outgoing, caring, motherly,loving and a little crazy! I'm also a girl who's trying to get to know her Savior more.
I can almost always be found with a book or my camera,I love my family and I'm probably closest to my mom. I'm a book-worm, I love to sing, run, smile, be barefoot, bake cookies, play kick-ball or Football. I have 7 crazy siblings and my 3 brothers are all older then me. Our ages range from 22 years to 1 year, and yes we are a crazy family but that's how I like it! I have been home-schooled for my whole life and I LOVE it!

I am a Christian. I want to walk in his footsteps.
I believe in the creator of the universe who formed the earth in 6 days. I believe in ONE God. The God of Abraham, Isaac and David. The father of Jesus Christ the the savior of the world who was hung on the cross to die. With Him I have life... I have a chance. My sins are forgiven. I'm not worthy of His love yet He loves me!
Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life, and NO ONE comes to the father except through me." One way... Jesus.

I am Loved by an all knowing all seeing God, and that in itself amazes me!