I need a new blog look something clean and cool something that will make you want to stay and look around so if you know of any blog backrounds and headers that fit that description let me know or if your a blog designer let me know! Thanks a bunch

P.S longer posts coming soon!
I am blog designer and would LOVE to design for you! Order by going here: http://daisiesanddonuts.blogspot.com/
Hey Hope! I offer free blog designs at http://beautydesignsform.blogspot.com/
Here are some great FREE blog design sites!!
Dream Design Studio: http://stellablogdesign.blogspot.com/
Joyfull Girl Creations:
Blizzard Blog Design:
Polka Dot Blog Design:
and some of the stuff on "Daisies and Donuts blog design" is free:
Hope this helps! Let me know if it does :)
I'd be willing to design for you again if you want. ;) I know I've been taking a break on designing, but you are my friend.
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