Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy birthday mom! And other random stuff!

Happy birthday mom! I hope you had a great day and I want you to know I love you, and I'm glad God gave me you!
On to other things, we need prayer! Today (moms birthday) My little sister was running a high temp and we all feel like we're getting sick please pray for us!

One more thing I hope you like my new look, The awesome Kendra designed it for me! And I still need people to interview (read about this here) and I hope you'll spread the word about the interviews. Kendra also made a button for the interviewees to put on there blogs it's on the sidebar and it says : Getting to know all about you.
Thanks and I promise longer posts are coming!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you like the makeover! Happy Birthday to your mom! =D