Am I content?
Well, right now I'm not.
There are sooo many things I Want.
The fact is being discontent is..... Tiring.
I'm so tired of wishing and dreaming and hoping and Wanting.
I start feeling like I'm running circles. And if I stop...If I stop and let God take my hand, I go straight on His path!
But then I see something..... Something off His path and I think I need it. So I let go of Gods hand.
And there I am...Walking in circles, again.
And I can hear God saying, Hope, stop running. Stop being afraid.
Trust me.
Let go of Your dreams, hopes, wishes. Let go of everything you think you need.
Trust me.
I have dreams for you. I have things I want for you.
But you need to let go, And trust Me.
And the truth is.
He does have things for me. But to let go and Trust... To let go of everything and put yourself in Gods hands.. That's a scary thing to do. But I need to. WE need to.
So I'm challenging you readers as well as myself.. Let go and Trust!
And see where God takes you. See what He has in store.